Institut Kesenian Jakarta


Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ) terbuka pada tahun 1970 berdasarkan fakultas kesenian Indonesia. Its philosophy is to educate Indonesian people using the best practices in science and technology. Currently, it has around 20,000 students and has a reputation for providing the highest quality education.

Ongkos SPP rata-rata dikontrol oleh mutu, fasilitas dan prasarana Universitas swasta

Mutu, fasilitas, dan prasarana universitas swasta mendaftar Ongkos kuliah gratis! Ongkos kuliah gratis berlangganan dari beasiswa!

Ongkos per semester can be divided into SKS, UKT, or SPP. The Perguruan Tinggi is responsible for managing Ongkos per semester, based on SKS.

The cost of an Ongkos praktikum varies depending on the type of practice. The price may range from a ratusan ribu to a juta-an rupiah, depending on the type of praktikum.

Institut Kesenian Jakarta berdasarkan fakultas

The Institut Kesenian Jakarta is a university in Indonesia that offers programs in business, education, arts, and science. Its curriculum is based on the university’s mission to develop a skilled workforce in Indonesia. It offers many graduate programs as well as a number of undergraduate programs. The following is a brief summary of the IKJ’s various programs.

There are two major faculties at the IKJ. The Faculty of Film and Television (FFT) is Indonesia’s premier film school and has produced many of the country’s top film makers and artists.

IKJ telah didirikan pada tahun 1970

Indonesia’s film industry is one of the largest in the world. The film industry employs thousands of people, and has become one of Indonesia’s most valuable assets. Its creative talents are internationally recognized. As a result, there are many film schools and universities in Indonesia.

The IKJ was established in 1970, and is a part of the Lembaga Pendidikan Kesenian Djakarta. Its headquarters are located at Taman Ismail Marzuki, Djakarta.

S-1 Seni Karawitan

ISI Jakarta is one of the best schools in Indonesia that offers programs related to music. The students in this school can choose between three major programs: seni musik, tas, and tas kriya. Students can also take a course that focuses on traditional music from the regions of Jawa, Madura, and Bali.

The Institut Kesenian Jakarta has many branches all over the country. The Institut Kesenian Jakarta website has a link where you can register online. The website also provides information on how to become a kurator seni, seniman, and gelar seni.

S-1 Etnomusikologi

Institut Kesenian Jakarta (IKJ) merupakan salah satu kampus negeri di Jakarta, Indonesia. The Institut melahirkan seniman terkenal dari berbagai penjuru Indonesia. The Institut consists of four divisions: S-1 Etnomusikologi, S-1 Seni Karawitan, S-1 Seni Tari, S-1 Seni Teater, S-1 Kriya Seni, S-1 Desain Interior, and S-1 Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV).

The school has a wide range of programs. The S-1 Etnomusicology Program offers students the opportunity to study music from various cultures around Indonesia. This program teaches students about Indonesian traditional music and how to play a variety of instruments.


Ongkos kuliah yang diperuntukkan di Institut kesenian Jakarta biaya is not free. It must be paid by the mahasiswa aktif. However, the university will cover all expenses if the student can prove their merits.

The Institut Kesenian Jakarta is an accredited university that has been in operation since 2006. Its accreditation status is A+ and it has received nilai A rating. The school is headed by Dr. Seno Gumira Ajidarma who is the current rector.